From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Clarifying initial performance expectations

Clarifying initial performance expectations

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Clarifying initial performance expectations

- When you're a new manager the first thing everyone thinks, including you is, "Hey what's expected of me now?" Answering that question for you is all about building rapport with your new supervisor and your team. First, you need to clarify your supervisor's expectations. Make absolutely sure you're both on the same page in terms of their initial expectations for you and your team. What are the metrics and outcomes that define success? Which tasks or processes do they care about the most and why? You want to understand their view of the work that takes place on your team. Talk through it and be very clear. Okay, then you're ready to meet your team to discuss goals and group norms. Starting with goals. Just like you did with your supervisor, talk about what success looks like. What are the team's major goals and exactly how will we know we've achieved them? When you're the new manager one great guideline is to not…
