From the course: New Manager Foundations

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Appreciating individual differences

Appreciating individual differences

From the course: New Manager Foundations

Appreciating individual differences

- One big challenge facing new managers is understanding individual differences. Just look around and notice the many ways we all differ. Our physical look and abilities, personality, work preferences, emotional intelligence, job skills, need for achievement, and so on. These differences make us interesting, but they also make managing teams sometimes challenging. So when you learn about a certain leadership tool or practice, you simply can't use it in the exact same way for everyone. This reality impacts many common things you do with the team. Let me share a few examples. Employee engagement. Leaders want employees who are focused, committed, and who feel positive about the team. One popular engagement tool is gamification. That's the process of making some work tasks more game-like and competitive so people can win points or awards. Sounds fun, right? Maybe. How it's received across people will vary. In your…
