From the course: Negotiation Foundations

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Telephone and video conference negotiation

Telephone and video conference negotiation

From the course: Negotiation Foundations

Telephone and video conference negotiation

- In the workplace, you negotiate multiple times a day with your coworkers, customers, and stakeholders. Yet even in the workplace, those conversations are taking place less and less in face-to-face meetings. You might begin your conversation by email, then shift to phone or video conference, and then confirm specific details by text. Each medium has its benefits and challenges. But right now, I want to focus on how to create the best possible environment for telephone and video conference negotiations. If you're negotiating over the telephone, I want to give you some tips to help make up for the loss of visual cues. The first four tips are about the planning process. First, plan the sequence of your conversation. In other words, create an agenda for yourself to keep you and your partner on track. You might even send a high-level version of your agenda in advance of your call. Second, print out your opening statement, the…
