From the course: Negotiation Foundations

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Identifying priorities and designing options

Identifying priorities and designing options

From the course: Negotiation Foundations

Identifying priorities and designing options

- In my experience with clients, I've noticed a pattern with those who achieve their negotiation goals. They prioritize everything that's important to them and they identify two or three options that are all equally acceptable to give them freedom and flexibility at the negotiation table. So let's take a look at how a little planning can help you achieve your negotiation goals. Now, while we're going to be using a request for remote work, this process will work for any negotiation, from buying a car to proposing a new project that requires time and resources. Here's some questions to answer for yourself before you sit down to talk. What are your priorities, your must-haves, and like-to-haves? What's the benefit of your request to your conversation partner? And what's the cost or impact of what you're asking for? Now, in terms of your strategy, you're really identifying your moving parts and the potential concessions…
