From the course: MySQL Essential Training

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Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators - MySQL Tutorial

From the course: MySQL Essential Training

Arithmetic operators

- [Bill] Hi, I'm Bill Weinman. MySQL provides a complete set of arithmetic operators. So if I say SELECT 5 + 3, I get a result that says 8. If I say SELECT 5 - 3, I get 2. If I say 5 * 3, I get 15. If I say 5 / 3, I get 1 and a fraction. So this is a floating point division. And you notice that I get the real number, 1.6667. It's rounded off. Obviously, the sixes go on forever. But if I wanted an integer result, I can say 5 DIV 3, and that'll give me 1. But we know that this has a remainder. So what's the remainder? I get the remainder with the modular operator, MOD. And the remainder is 2. When I divide 3 into 5, I get one 3 but a remainder of 2, right? The percent symbol may also be used for modular. So 5 % 3 gives me the same result. And if we say / 0, entirely by accident, of course, the result comes up null rather than giving us an error. The arithmetic operators are both intuitive and functionally complete.
