From the course: MongoDB Essential Training

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MongoDB Query Language

MongoDB Query Language

- [Instructor] Now you know what data inside MongoDB looks like. The next thing you need to know is how to access that data. That's what you use the MongoDB query language for. Be aware that you may also find references to MQL as the MongoDB query API. MQL allows you to perform, create, read, update, and delete operations, also called CRUD. If you're familiar with JavaScript, using the shell will probably feel very natural for you. If you're not, don't worry. We'll go through it all and this is only how you interact with the database inside the MongoDB shell. There are MongoDB drivers available for almost all programming languages out there, allowing you to interact with MongoDB seamlessly in the languages you are used to. Let's dive in. In the last video, we already created our first document. We did that by using the insert one command. I'm going to create one more here to remind us of what that looked like. So the…
