From the course: MongoDB Essential Training

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Install MongoDB on Windows

Install MongoDB on Windows - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: MongoDB Essential Training

Install MongoDB on Windows

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to install MongoDB, the MongoDB shell, and the MongoDB tools on Windows without using WSL, the Windows subsystem for Linux. If you're not on Windows, please watch one of the other videos. To install MongoDB on Windows go to the MongoDB documentation and download the installer for the latest community version of MongoDB. On the installation instructions page for Windows, you're going to scroll down until you find the MongoDB download center. Click on that link and it will take you to the download center where you can download MongoDB Community Server. Here you're going to select the Community Server package, and then you're going to select the options for your specific platform. Once you've done that, click on download, and it will download MongoDB. Once downloaded, run the installer by clicking on the file you just downloaded. This is the MongoDB Installation Wizard. To begin with, click next to continue, then accept the license agreement, and…
