From the course: MongoDB Essential Training

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Import the sample data

Import the sample data

- [Instructor] When you installed MongoDB earlier, you also installed the MongoDB database tools. They include mongostat to get statistics on a running mongod, mongodump which allows you to export dump files from MongoDB collections in BSON, mongorestore which allows you to import dump files from MongoDB collections that were stored in BSON, mongoexport which allows you to export collection data to JSON or BSON. And the one we are looking for, mongoimport, which allows you to import collection data from JSON or CSV files. The datasets that we are going to use for this course are in this GitHub Repo. Please pause this video and download them to the MongoDB essentials folder that you have created for this course. Now, I have already done that and put all of the files into a datasets folder that I've just changed into. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to import these datasets into our deployment. And to use that…
