From the course: MongoDB Essential Training

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Connecting with Python

Connecting with Python

- [Instructor] If you are using Python, there are two MongoDB supported drivers that you can use. PyMongo for synchronous Python applications and Motor for asynchronous Python applications. Motor is implemented as a wrapper around PyMongo. So if you ever need to switch from PyMongo to Motor, it is fairly simple to make that change. For this video however, we will be using PyMongo. So let's install that. All right. To install PyMongo DB, we'll be using pip, Python's package installer. However, we're not just going to install PyMongo onto the entire system. We are going to create a virtual environment first using virtualenv. If you don't have virtualenv installed, you have to first install that, again, using pip. So, we're going to just do that here now. We'll do that with pip install --user virtualenv. Okay. And this says requirement is already satisfied because we already have that installed. Next, we are going to…
