From the course: MongoDB Essential Training

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Challenge: Create a data model

Challenge: Create a data model - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: MongoDB Essential Training

Challenge: Create a data model

(gentle upbeat music) - For this exercise, I would like you to create a data model based on this specification. The data model is supposed to be for an online store and there are few common queries that you can expect to be executed. The first query is what's available with x features. Next one is, what's out of stock. That's going to be a mostly internal query. Next one is a user's personal information. You can expect that that's a query that will often come from customers. The next one is for a user's order history. That one is mostly used internal. And then, the next one is today's or last month's order. That one is also mostly used internal. I know this is a fairly vague specification but it's still a good exercise to get you thinking about how you might model this and what further questions you might have to ask to make decisions for the data model.
