From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Creative effects with Night mode

Creative effects with Night mode - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Creative effects with Night mode

- Hey, everybody. Welcome back to Mobile Photography Weekly. This week we have an episode that was inspired by two words and one question. The words and the question, "What if?" And this is a practice that I often follow with my photography. I'll be out taking pictures, perhaps for a specific purpose or a specific project, and along the way I'll ask myself, "What if I did it this way? Or what if I did it that way? What if I totally broke the rules? What would that result in? Would I get anything interesting?" So that is the genesis of the idea for this episode and the "What if?" question that I had involves night mode on an Apple iPhone. So, normally when you're shooting in night mode, you want to have the camera as still as possible. In fact, when you're shooting handheld, a message comes up that tells you "Hold still" during the exposure. And for myself, most of the time when I'm shooting on night mode, I have…
