From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

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Check files in and out

Check files in and out

- [Instructor] The fact that multiple people can edit a Word, Excel or PowerPoint document at the same time in Teams is really great. But there are situations where one person needs to make changes to a file without other people making changes at the same time. For those situations, you can check out a file that has been shared with your team. Now to be clear, this is one feature that does not work in a private chat. It only works in files that are shared in a Teams channel. And you do have to go over to the files tab to get to the checkout feature. So here in the files tab, one option is to point at a file. Then click the button with three dots to open up the menu, then go to where it says more, and then choose checkout. That's what you do if you wanted to check out just one file. But you can check out multiple files at the same time. Click to the left of a file to select it. And I'm going to select three files. Then up at…
