From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Log in with Management Studio

Log in with Management Studio

- [Instructor] We've got SQL Server installed. And we installed Management Studio, our graphical front end for working with the server. So let's go ahead now and log into the server and take a first look around. I'll come down to my start menu, and we'll activate SQL Server Management Studio Version 19 that I previously pinned there. That I'll go ahead and start up the application. And as soon as it loads up, we'll be presented with this connect to server window. Here we get to define the parameters for connecting to our SQL Server instance, and a lot of these are going to already be filled in for us. We have the option of server type, and I'm going to be connecting to a database engine. But you have different types of SQL Server services that you can connect to, including reporting services, integration services, or Azure SSIS Integration Runtime. Now, I don't have any of these actually installed on my system, so I'll…
