From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Foreign keys

Foreign keys

- [Instructor] The entire value of a relational database and what makes them so efficient for storing data comes from the fact that data tables relate to one another. This means that you can take a piece of information from a record in one table, take that information to another table, and find additional details that have a relationship to the original data. We can see how this works by digging into the Wide World Importer's example database. I'll go ahead and expand the tables for that database. Now, there are lots of tables here, and you can see that they're using that concept of a schema that I touched on briefly to help organize them. So we have the application schema and several tables in that schema. We then have the purchasing schema with its own set of tables, as well as a sales schema with some additional tables there. The table that I want to start with is the Sales.Customers table. Let's right-click on it and…
