From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Continuously replicate data to the cloud

Continuously replicate data to the cloud - SQL Server Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

Continuously replicate data to the cloud

- [Narrator] One of the headline new features for SQL Server 2022 is called Link for Azure SQL Managed Instance. It aims to make it much easier to maintain redundant copies of your valuable data, both in your local on-premises SQL Server Instances, and in the Azure Cloud. And Azure SQL Managed Instance is a version of SQL Server that runs on Microsoft's cloud platform. It's considered a platform as a service offering, in which Microsoft maintains both the hardware and the Instance's internal operations. You are then free to create your own databases and manage your own data without having to worry about maintenance of the server. With the new Link feature, you can connect your own on-premises SQL Server databases with a duplicate copy of your database running on a managed Instance. Each database gets its own link, that can be started and stopped as needed. As changes are made to your primary database, those…
