From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Business continuity solutions

Business continuity solutions

- [Instructor] Having a backup and restore plan in place ready to go when disaster strikes, is an essential practice for anyone that works with a database management system. But if you can reduce the risk of even having a catastrophic failure in the first place, then it'll go a long way towards securing your information too. SQL Server offers a couple of advanced data protection features that fall under the concept of business continuity. The goal here is to make sure that the server and the databases it contains, are highly available whenever they're required and the streamlined disaster recovery efforts. The more powerful business continuity option is called Availability Groups. With Availability Groups, multiple server instances work together as a cluster to protect the data. A primary copy of the database receives read and write instructions from users as normal. It then copies those instructions to one or more…
