From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw

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Using the Before and After views

Using the Before and After views

From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw

Using the Before and After views

- As you work with an image, it's often useful to compare where you started and where you ended up. For this, there's the before and after views. If you take a look in the lower right corner you'll see two different controls. The first one here is going to cycle through the different views. The keyboard shortcut for this is the Q key. Notice if I press that different types of views become available. For example, here I have a split screen, here we have the before image up top and the after image down on the bottom and you see we can preview that image. If I press the Q key it just cycles through different options. Here, for example, is a side-by-side comparison and you can really zoom in and put the two images next to each other to analyze key changes that have happened. Pressing that Q key makes it easy to see different types of options and split screens so you can really compare the types of transformations you've made…
