From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw

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Making local adjustments

Making local adjustments

- As you work with an image, you may find that you want to make some local adjustments, effectively brushing in some changes. Let's explore a few different ways of doing this with different tools and masks. But to start things out, we're going to use just a basic paintbrush, and we'll refine things a bit. Here I've got the object, and I'll grab the basic brush. You notice that I have "Auto Mask" selected here. Now with the Auto Mask option turned on, I'm just going to paint along the top of that edge. Let's turn off the "Show Overlay" there, and I'll just paint initially, and then we can take a look at the overlay. Not bad, I can really see that adding up. Let's take the opacity all the way up, and paint a little bit more. What I'm doing here is recognizing the edge of the object and really building up my strokes. There we go. Selecting the cap here of the jellyfish. Great. If I get an area I don't want, I can…
