From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw

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Fixing perspective issues

Fixing perspective issues

- Practically speaking, the perspective controls will affect the position of your camera. When we took this, the camera was very low to the ground and I was shooting with some diagonal lines, but we can actually refine this and tweak a particular angle. You can't completely fake it, but you can lean into it or correct for some of the possible issues. Let's go up here to the editing controls, and I'll come down to my optics and my geometry. We discussed optics a bit earlier, and if you have any sort of distortion, you might want to correct that first. For example there, you see we had some curvature on the horizon, and now I have a straighter line. Looking at this image here, I'm going to make sure that the profile corrections are applied and that definitely fixed some of the distortion caused by the lens. Now that that's done, let's go down to Geometry.
