From the course: macOS Sonoma Essential Training

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Quit applications

Quit applications

- I'm starting this video with several applications running because I want to talk about how to quit applications. Now first, you know, an application is running when you see the black dot under the icon in the dock. Usually there will be a window for that application on screen, but you can't always depend on that. Also, it's important to note that only one application can be active at a time. That's the application that has its menus at the top of the screen. So I know the dictionary application is active because this first menu item is labeled as dictionary. Also, the dictionary window is on top of the others. Now I can see the calculator window and I can click on it and that makes the calculator active. It moves to the top and I can see its menus up at the top of the screen. Let's quit the calculator, your first instinct may be to just close the window by clicking the red button up in the top left corner. So let's try…
