From the course: macOS Quick Tips

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Use Dark Mode

Use Dark Mode

- [Instructor] Dark Mode changes the entire Mac interface - [Instructor] Dark Mode changes the entire Mac interface to a darker color theme. to a darker color theme. Go to System Preferences, then to the General category. Go to System Preferences, then to the General category. To switch to the Dark Mode, just click the Dark button. To switch to the Dark Mode, just click the Dark button. The changes apply to the entire Mac OS interface. The change is applied to the entire Mac OS interface. Menus have the darker style, Menus have the darker style. even Finder and other application windows are dark. Even Finder and other application windows are dark. Dark Mode can reduce eye fatigue. Dark Mode can reduce eye fatigue. Some people who do detailed design work Some people who do detailed design work or work that requires color accuracy prefer it, or work that requires color accuracy prefer it and some people just think it looks cool. and some people…
