From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Work with MDM

Work with MDM

- [Instructor] To control devices, you must enroll them. You have two options. Automatic enrollment requires that you have your Mac systems enrolled in Apple's Device Management program in either Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager so you can assign your computers to an MDM server. This assignment allows the computers to be locked into an MDM solution from initial setup forward. Manual enrollment requires that you set up your MDM to allow users to enroll in your MDM manually. Typically there is a URL you must follow to find the enrollment page. I will show you the user experience of enrolling a device manually into JAMF Pro. I have my own JAMF Pro instances pulled up here. To do this on your own, you'll need to set up JAMF Pro to allow user self-enrollment which is beyond the scope of this course. To find out how, go to It may take a few days to contact JAMF and get a trial environment configured or to…
