From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Reading and collecting logs

Reading and collecting logs - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

Reading and collecting logs

- [Instructor] To work with log files in macOS, you need to get to know the Console application. Start by opening Console. Spotlight finds it as well as anything else. When you open Console you are initially looking at a log stream. This is stream of information that is coming through the system about applications and system processes that are logging their activities in real time. I cannot take action within the Console system using the action menu item unless I select a log message. So if I select something and then click on Action, I have access to all of the menu options and I can interact with them by clicking on them. Available options include Search, Clear, Reload, Disable, Include Info, Include Debug, All Messages, and Errors and Faults. When you want to see what is happening on a iOS device, you can plug that iOS device into your Mac and open Console to review the log files there. Many programs have options for debug…
