From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Viewing photo information

Viewing photo information

- [Instructor] There is a lot of useful information about your photos that can be viewed in Lightroom. Let me show you a couple of ways to find and display this information as you're working in the Library module. I want to start with the grid view, so I'm going to press the G on my keyboard to switch to the grid view. And I've made my thumbnails a little bit large so that we can see the frames. You can play with the size of the thumbnails here in the right-hand corner of the toolbar. Right now, we don't see any information about these photos, but if we press the J key on our keyboard, we get some numbers that just number them. That's not that useful, but if we hit the J key again, we go to the expanded cell, and the expanded cell has some useful information about these images, including the pixel dimensions, and we can customize the information that's in the expanded cell. If we go up to View and come down here to View…
