From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Tool strip

Tool strip

- [Instructor] Since the original recording of this course, the Develop module's tool strip that's found just beneath a histogram, it's changed quite a bit. There's some new tool icons. And most notably, the selective editing tools that used to be found here were moved into a new masks panel. Let's take a closer look at this. First, there's a new Edit icon. The Edit icon represents the default state of panels that we see here. And you can always return to this view or exit out of another tool by clicking the Edit icon. Next to the Edit icon is the Crop icon. The Crop tool is still essentially the same. It's just been updated with a new icon. I'll click on that to take a look. Next to Crop, we have Heal. And there are three modes for Heal. There's a new Content-Aware Remove tool, and then there's the original Heal and Clone from previous versions of Lightroom Classic. Next to Heal, we have red eye removal. And…
