From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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The Effects panel

The Effects panel

- Pretty much every image can be improved with a subtle edge vignette to darken down the edges. In Lightroom Classic, this effect is called post crop vignette and it's found in the effects panel. So let's take a look at that next. The effects panel is listed at the bottom here. So I'm going to scroll down and then click on it to open it. And then we'll just take the amount down a little bit to keep it really subtle. Maybe minus five or minus six. You can barely see that anything's changed on the image, unless you do a before and after. And you can do that with this switch in the upper left of the effects panel. If I turn it off, we can see what it looks like without the vignette. And if I turn it back on, we can see that that really does help the image. I want to explain all the rest of these options to you, but they're so subtle. It might be hard to see what's happening unless we make this really extreme. So for now…
