From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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The Basic panel

The Basic panel

- [Instructor] The majority of image editing is done at the Basic panel which is at the top of the right panel group over here. This is where you make the big overall edits. Every RAW photo needs some Basic panel edits and we have a RAW photo here to work on. The edits we do in the Basic panel are similar to the types of edits that are made by your digital camera, when you capture JPEGs instead of RAW files. Before we get started, it's important to understand that all Lightroom edits are a nondestructive set of instructions that are saved in the catalog. The image itself out on the hard drive remains untouched. All right, let's edit this image with the Basic panel. First, at the top we have the White Balance, this WB stands for White Balance. This is how warm or cool the image is. If you're image has something in it that you know that is supposed to be a neutral gray, you can use this eyedropper which is the White…
