From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Review and rate images

Review and rate images

- [Instructor] Reviewing and rating your images will help you filter out for your best or favorite photos later. I'll show you a practical workflow that I follow using Lightroom's three different methods of tagging, the pick flags, star ratings, and color labels. And we'll use chapter 20204 travel photos for this lesson. I'm in the grid view, and I have the first image selected, which will select the first image in the film strip. And then I'm going to switch to the loop view, so that we get a nice big preview. And this is how I like to evaluate my images, toggling or navigating my way through here using the arrow key. So the right arrow key to move to the right and the left arrow key to move to the left. To make this image even bigger, I can collapse the side group panels with the tab key, and now, we're ready to start giving pick flags, that's what I like to start with. I do a pick flag on the first round, and we have the…
