From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Masks with artificial intelligence

Masks with artificial intelligence - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

Masks with artificial intelligence

- [Instructor] Now we'll take a look at using masks powered by AI to edit this image. If you want to follow along, you'll find this in the Chapter 4 04_02 folder. I'll click on the mask icon in the tool strip to see what mask options we have. Most of these were added to Lightroom Classics since the original recording of this course. And there's now so much to know about masks that I created a complete separate masking course. Check it out after you finish this one. The masking course covers everything you need to know about Lightroom masks. Here, I'll give you a quick demo of Lightroom Classic's Artificial Intelligent Masks to give you an idea of how you might use them. All three of these options at the top of the panel here are powered by artificial intelligence. You can automatically select a subject, a sky and a landscape, or the background. We'll start by selecting the background of this image to darken it down a…
