From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Masks for selective edits

Masks for selective edits

- Lightroom Classic has a set of powerful masking tools for selective editing. The masks are found in this icon in the tool strip that looks like a circle. I'll click on that to open it up and we can see all the options here. We'll use this photo of my puppy Jameson to demonstrate the three original selective editing tools, which are brush, linear gradient, and radial gradient. You can find the photo in chapter seven, 07_08 folder to follow along. The brush, linear gradient, and radial gradient have been around for a long time. They used to be found up here in the tool strip but they were moved into the masks panel when masks were released in 2021. We're going to start by adding a linear gradient to darken the edges of the image down to draw attention to Jameson's face. We'll click on linear gradient or use the M key on your keyboard to create a linear gradient mask. It actually hasn't created the mask yet but it did…
