From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Locate missing photos

Locate missing photos

- [Instructor] Over time, we're all likely to lose track of some images in Lightroom Classic. Sometimes we move or delete an image from our hard drive forgetting that it was ever imported into the catalog. This happens so frequently that Lightroom Classic offers a quick way to gather the missing items into a quick collection. I've intentionally moved an assortment of the exercise files out of their original folder location and into a new folder. Because I moved them on the hard drive, they show up as missing here in the Lightroom Classic catalog. We could scroll through the library module grid looking for exclamation marks. If I scroll down here a little bit and I hover over these we'll see that these two images are missing and they have an exclamation mark. But notice I had to hover over them for that exclamation mark to show up. So this is a tedious process for looking for those missing photos. What do you want to do…
