From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Interface preferences

Interface preferences

- [Instructor] Now that we've taken a look around the Lightroom Classic interface I want to show you a few preferences you might want to adjust. Lightroom Classic offers a few options for customizing the interface. You may want to change some of these settings depending on your personal preferences and the size of your screen. Interface Preferences are found in the Lightroom Classic Preferences. On a Mac, we find that in the Lightroom Classic menu, we'll come down to preferences, or you could do a command comma. If you're on a Windows machine, you'll find preferences in the edit menu. We'll open the preferences and see that there are a lot of tabs across the top. I'm going to jump to interface which is right in the center. The first option we see here is really an option just to fancy up your interface. These end marks can be added to the panels. If we turn on small flourish, we'll see that we have this fancy graphic…
