From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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How to find missing photos

How to find missing photos

- [Instructor] It is very likely that at some point along the way, photos will turn up missing in your Lightroom Classic catalog. It's happened to me and I'm pretty sure it'll happen to you too. Let me show you why this happens and how you can fix it if it does. We'll start with a quick review of Lightroom Classic catalog's relationship to your photos. Remember, the photos do not live inside of the catalog. Lightroom Classic simply points to their location and if you move things around outside of Lightroom, Lightroom will lose the connection to your photos. I'll jump out to my hard drive to show you how this works. I'm viewing the exercise files folder here. Let's take the first folder for chapter two and just rename it. I'll do a right click and we'll put an X at the end of the name, something simple. And then I'll switch back to Lightroom Classic, and immediately the folder in the folders panel gets a question mark on it…
