From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Group photos into stacks

Group photos into stacks

- [Instructor] You may have captured a series of frames that are essentially the same, like this group of photos that we see here. I'm viewing the Chapter 5 05_01 folder. If you shoot in the high speed capture mode, or if you shoot frames for HDR photography, you'll want to group the similar frames into stacks because folders with similar images can be really large, and stacking the similar photos into groups makes it easier and quicker to navigate. Let's take a look at how we can do this. In order to group the photos into a stack, we have to first select them. So I have the first image selected, the first butterfly. I'll hold the Shift key down and select the last one, and then go up to Photo, and come down to Stacking, and we see Group into Stack. The keyboard shortcut is Command + G for a Mac, and Control + G for Windows. And now we only see a single butterfly in our grid. And also down here in the film strip, let's…
