From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Generative AI remove

Generative AI remove

- [Instructor] Lightroom Classic has added generative AI to the content aware remove tool that was covered in the previous lesson. The icon for healing tools in the tool strip was also changed. It now looks like this eraser icon, and previously, it looked like a bandaid. The eraser icon is the content aware remove tool. We can still open the healing tools by pressing the Q key on the keyboard, and we see the three different healing tools at the top. The content aware tool has generative AI added to it. If you don't select generative AI, it works the same as it previously worked. So we'll click this to turn it on. We could also use the keyboard shortcut command-G or control-G to toggle that on and off. I also recommend that you turn on object aware when you're using generative AI. We can toggle object aware on with a command or control-F to turn that on. Now, I'll use the space bar to zoom in on the leaf here, and then paint over the area where the rip is. I painted a little bit too…
