From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Exploring the Library module

Exploring the Library module

- [Instructor] The library module is where many of your Lightroom classic sessions will start and end. It's where you'll do all of the file management tasks, like key wording and metadata entry, or managing folders and files like moving, deleting, and renaming them. You'll also use the library module to find, sort, group and rate your images. Let's take a tour starting in the upper left hand corner. This is what we call the nameplate or activity center. If I hover my mouse over it, it highlights and we get a triangle and that's a clue that there's something there. So if I click on it, we'll see the activity center. The address lookup and the face detection are both paused, we'll cover the face detection a little bit later. If we hover over to the right of the nameplate and do a right click or a control click, there's some hidden features here. We can change the identity plate to just say Lightroom classic, or we can even…
