From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Detail panel Manual Noise Reduction

Detail panel Manual Noise Reduction - Lightroom Tutorial

From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

Detail panel Manual Noise Reduction

- [Presenter] Let's take a look at the detail panel now. The detail panel is used for sharpening and noise reduction. I'm viewing the chapter 7>07>04 folder, and I've opened the detail panel in the develop module. Lightroom Classic provides two types of noise reduction. First, there's D noise and this is powered by artificial intelligence. Second, we have manual noise reduction. In this lesson, we'll explore the manual noise reduction in combination with sharpening. I'll click on the disclosure triangle next to manual noise reduction, so that we can see all the options there. Noise is typically found in images that are captured with a high-ISO, in a low-light setting like this bird feeder, we can improve this image with some luminance noise reduction in combination with some sharpening. I want to start up here and look at this warning symbol we see. This is telling us that in order to see the effects of sharpening a noise reduction, we have to be zoomed into the image. We could also…
