From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Comparing photos

Comparing photos

- [Instructor] When you're reviewing similar photos like we have here, sometimes it can help to compare them side by side, and there's a couple ways to do this. We have a compare view and a survey view. Those icons are down here in the tool bar. We've already taken a look at the grid view and the loop view, and next we'll be talking about the compare view and the survey view. Before we jump into this, I want to collapse these side panel groups, and I'll use the tab key to do that, this way, we have a really large content area to see our images. Now I'm going to start with a survey view because it's the simplest. I'll press the N key on my keyboard to go into the survey view. We see that that icon is selected here. It doesn't look any different though, because we only have one image in the content area, and that is because only one image in the film strip is selected. If I hold the shift key down and select the…
