From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Color grading

Color grading

- [Narrator] With color grading, you can stylize the look of a photo by adding color tones to it. Color grading replaced an older panel called split toning, with split toning color controls were limited to highlights and shadows of an image. When color grading adds control for mid-tones and global adjustments as well. And the good news is that if you have any legacy edits with split toning and applied, they will automatically switch to color grading without changing the color toning effect. If you're following along with me, you can find this photo in the chapter 70703 folder, color grading adjustments can be made to color or black and white images, but I find it much easier to see what's happening when working with a black and white. So in the basic panel here, I'm going to click on black and white to convert this image. And while I'm here, I'll click the auto tone to brighten it up. Now we can open the color grading…
