From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Choosing a profile

Choosing a profile

- [Narrator] I always start my editing by selecting a profile, because profiles will change the appearance of a photo, without moving any of the edit controls. Profiles are often confused with presets, but they are very different. A preset is simply like a recipe of edits, that have been saved, and can be applied to an image with one click. Where a profile is a set of instructions, that determine how the information in a photo is processed. We find the profiles at the top of the basic panel. We'll see here that this image has the profile Adobe color. By default, every raw image, is given the Adobe color profile when it's imported. And this is a generic profile that looks good. Maybe okay when applied to any type of raw image, from any camera manufacturer. However, since it's generic, it isn't necessarily the best profile for an image. So choosing a different profile, might give us a better starting point for editing. If…
