From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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Batch edit multiple images

Batch edit multiple images

- Lightroom classic provides several ways to speed up the editing process, by applying the same adjustments to multiple images. So once you have a photo edited, just the way you like it, you can take those edits and apply it to the other images. This is referred to as batch or bulk editing. It works best with a collection of pictures that have common characteristics, especially exposure and lighting. We'll use the Grand Canyon photos that are found in the chapter seven, zero seven 11 folder, and explore multiple ways for batch editing. First, we need to edit an image, so I'll switch to the develop module. I'ma do a quick edit on this. I'll choose the Adobe landscape profile, auto tone it, change the white balance to cloudy, because that does a nice job of warming it up. And then I'll open up the shadows so that we can see into that Canyon wall there. Now this is looking pretty good. What we want to do is take the…
