From the course: Lightroom Classic Essential Training

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About image previews

About image previews

- [Instructor] Lightroom Classic uses preview files so that you can see the images that have been imported, and there are four different types of previews offered during the import plus there's an option to generate smart previews. Let's import some more images and check these out. I'll click on the import button in the lower left corner here and then on the external photos drive, I want to open the chapter 2_02_05 lesson folder, and we'll see a folder for Italy, inside of there, we have a couple more folders here, so I'll select Pompei and then confirm at the top that we are adding these images, not copying or moving them. And then over to the right hand side here under file handling, we have build previews and by default, this is set to standard. If you click on standard, you'll find the other three. There's minimal, embedded & sidecar, the standard and then the one-to-one. Standard is the default preview and the one I…
