From the course: Learning Wix

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Wix interface site tour

Wix interface site tour - Wix Tutorial

From the course: Learning Wix

Wix interface site tour

- [Instructor] Now that you have your starting website, even though it's completely blank, let's do a quick tour of the interface so you have a sense of the tools that are available to you and generally speaking where they are. When you arrive on this page, immediately, before you click anything, you'll see this gray overlay and you'll see that the button names are spelled out here on the side. As soon as you click anywhere inside of this interface, those labels are going to disappear. Don't let that bother you. When you mouse over any of those icons over there on the left, you can get these names visible for you again. But we'll start over here since they're here and available to us. The first two have to do with adding elements or adding sections of the webpage. A section would be this entire area that you see here, this big rectangle. That would be a section of the webpage. An element would be an item inside of that.…
