From the course: Learning Underwater Photography
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Torches and strobes - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Learning Underwater Photography
Torches and strobes
- [Narrator] In this movie, we'll talk about our under water artificial lighting options which include torches and strobes. And the idea here is that we're restoring lost light. In particular, the warm colors. Ranging from yellow to red. And so, Hergin, tell us exactly what artificial lights are going to do for us. - [Hergin] So, our lights are going to allow us to illuminate our foreground subjects. - [Narrator] And we want to make it clear that we're lighting the foreground, the actual subject of the photograph, as opposed to the background, which is more typically lit by sunlight. - [Hergin] Our lights are going to compensate for the loss of color that we get from the sunlight being filtered through the water column. - [Narrator] And so the idea here is that on the surface, sunlight is filtered by only air which is not particularly dense. And as a result, we get nice, white light that reflects accurately off of the various things that we'd like to photograph. Whereas water is…