From the course: Learning Underwater Photography

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Testing water tightness

Testing water tightness

- [Instructor] So our settings are set. Our camera system's ready to go. We know everything's working the way it should. Now, it's time for one final step before we get in the water. And that is testing the system's watertightness. So, we're going to be doing this by checking our housing in freshwater. Now, the reason we choose freshwater is that cameras don't like water. But they really don't like saltwater. Little bit of freshwater in a camera, you may have a chance. Saltwater in a camera, it's pretty much the end of the line for that camera. Ideally, we want to be testing our housing twice. Once, before we've got the camera and everything else inside of it, so just testing an empty housing. And then, after we've put everything together. We've got the camera in the housing and we're ready to go. We've done our pre-dive checks. We want to test it one more time. So, once we've got that camera in the freshwater... Generally, we call these things rinse tanks, because they're designed…
