From the course: Learning Underwater Photography

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Special circumstances

Special circumstances

- [Narrator] Alright, so as we made it abundantly clear, you're generally better off with manual exposure. But there are special circumstances under which you might prefer either aperture or shutter priority. - [Narrator] So, there are definitely some circumstances where aperture or shutter priority might be useful. So, one of those is if you're shooting natural or continuous light photography. As we mentioned, the meter can see that continuous light, so we can actually use aperture or shutter priority, in which case we don't have to worry about not being able to see the strobe in the final exposure. - [Narrator] And even though we've beat this one to death, by continuous light we're talking about an LED torch. - [Narrator] And we might use it for fast moving subjects that rapidly change position, where being able to rapidly change aperture on the fly is going to be of benefit to us. So by being able to dial into shutter speed and have the camera determine the aperture, we can make…
