From the course: Learning Underwater Photography

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Manual mode

Manual mode

- [Deke] In this movie we'll discuss the remaining exposure mode which is M for Manual. - [Hergen] So manual mode has a tendency to scare people when they first hear that they're going to be putting their camera into manual mode but it really gives you total control over how you can control your scene. So in manual mode you, the shooter, determine aperture, shutter speed, and ISO for the image. This is very important because underwater as we mentioned that mirroring mode does not take into account strobes. With manual mode you can account for those strobes and you can select your settings appropriately for the scene and the image that you want to create. - [Deke] And I will attest that this can be a scary proposition. When I first met Hergen one of the immediate things he did was to take my camera from me and change it from P which I figured program was the way to go, to manual. And I haven't shot manual since the film days so this came as something of a shock to me because after all…
