From the course: Learning Underwater Photography

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Macro lenses

Macro lenses

- [Contextual Instructor] Alright, so far we've been looking at wide-angle lenses. For the next few movies, we'll be looking at macro lenses. And we're going to start things off by defining exactly what a macro lens is. - [Camera Instructor] So, macro lenses have a shorter focus distance than a lens with an equivalent focal length. And these will allow you to get in closer. The result of which will be higher relative magnification. So, we're going to take a look at a diagram that's going to help us understand this. So, on the left, we've got a non-macro lens and, on the right, we've got a macro lens. So, these lenses have the exact same field of view, but you can see that one of them allows for a closer focus distance. So, the one on the right is able to focus closer than the one on the left. - [Contextual Instructor] And that makes these lenses perfect for capturing what are known as critters underwater. And you just wouldn't believe how small some of these animals are. There are…
