From the course: Learning Underwater Photography

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Macro jump settings

Macro jump settings

- [Deke] In this movie, we will talk about jump settings for macro photography when we're taking a look at the little creatures. And we're going to start off here with interchangeable lenses. - [Hergen] So we're going to talk about what we want to have our aperture shutters speed in ISO set on when we're shooting macro. So with those interchangeable lens cameras, we're going to want to start at aperture of F16, that's going to give us a nice, good amount of depth of field. We want to set our shutter speed at 1/200 to cut down on that ambient light in the image and then we want to run a nice ISO of 100 to 200, nice and low. - [Deke] And I should say, by the way, that what we're looking at here is a mimic octupus, so named because it's efficiently clever to mimic other creatures. Alright, next we have our fixed lens settings. - [Hergen] As we've mentioned before, fixed lenses are generally found on compact cameras and when you're shooting macro with a compact camera, you're going to…
