From the course: Learning Underwater Photography

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- [Instructor] In this movie we'll be discussing ISO, which unlike everything else we've seen is not a mechanical adjustment, rather it's a function of how your digital camera interprets the information from the image sensor. So were this audio or video it'd be the equivalent of turning up the gain. - [Instructor] So raising the ISO is going to make the image sensor more sensitive to all light in the scene. So as Diek mentioned it's the same as turning up the gain on the image. So raising the ISO is also going to introduce signal transmission noise, the same as turning up the gain would which degrades the overall quality of the image. So here we have an image that was taken in an extremely low light situation at a really high ISO of my friend Andreas swimming through a cave. So we're going to zoom in an a portion of this image so you can really see that grainy effect that high ISO is going to introduce into this image. Because the sensor is going to be misinterpreting some of that…
